Workplace English Tool
Decide the English level needed for jobs
This new, online tool helps HR professionals and hiring managers determine the level of English required for a job role. It can also be used by agents working across a number of companies.
It's free and helps you to decide the minimum requirement for each of the four language skills: Writing, Speaking, Reading and Listening.
Set English requirements that are right for the job role
The tool takes you through a series of statements on what the employee would be expected to do in their job role and uses this data to accurately determine the English level requirements. This can then be used for the purposes of benchmarking, promotion, performance management, training and recruitment.
English skills aligned to international standards
The English requirements are expressed using the international standard scale for English ability, the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). This six-point scale - from A1 for beginners to C2 for those who have mastered a language - is easy to understand and will be familiar to many employees or candidates.
Our guide explains how the CEFR can be used in the workplace and gives examples of how English is used at each level.
How it works
There are four simple steps to using the tool.
Step 2
Add a job role
Step 3
Complete the skills statements
Step 4
Receive the job role report
You can use the tool to:
Set a recommended English level in each of the four skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking for different job roles within your business.
Set a minimum level of English for existing roles and then provide training to staff who do not meet that level.
Use the results to create more effective job descriptions and adverts to ensure you are looking for candidates with the right level of English.
Set language policies and understand where English skills gaps are.
What do I do after I've established the English level of a job?
It's FREE, easy to use and takes just a few minutes to find the recommended English level for a job role